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🔥 👀 Sparkling Updates: Visual Refresh & Bug Fixes!
Jul 17, 2023
In this release, we gave our settings page and release notes a visual lift! We also made sure your life will be easier with the live status now appearing by default in the changelogs. Plus, to save you from a moment of panic, we fixed a pesky bug that broke settings if no logo image was uploaded. You're welcome!

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New Features
  • Adding live status by default to changelogs. Accessibility has never been better! 
  • Replaced Pre-signed URLs with Public Bucket URL access. Secure and Easy to use!
  • We heard you! You'll now see flash messages when updating settings. 

  • To enhance readability, we've bumped up the font size on our settings page.
  • The settings edit form has been rearranged for a better user experience.
  • The release notes got a fresh look with a spiffy new font.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the bug where settings would break when no logo image was uploaded. No more disruptions to your workflow!

Other Updates
  • You can now upload your logo using Buffer instead of a temp file. Smooth and efficient!
  • Adjustments to the public page for overall better experience on our site.

That's all folks! As always, please report any issues to our support team. We appreciate your feedback and cooperation! Happy Releasing with Releaso!

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